Student Support
If you have a worry or an issue, it’s always best to talk to a trusted adult about it.
On this page you will find information about who you can talk to at the academy, and some organisations you can talk to outside of school hours.
In our CARE Curriculum lessons we learn about the definition and importance of having a trusted adult. Every student at Co-op Academy Belle Vue should know who their trusted adult is.
People you can talk to at school
You can speak to any member of staff you feel comfortable speaking to, any member of staff can be a trusted adult, but also remember, there are some members of staff who have special responsibilities for your welfare, like our Pastoral Team.
Safeguarding Team
Mr Haste DSL (Vice Principal) -
Miss Pilling SDDSL (Leader of Pastoral CARE)
Mr Stapleton DDSL (Child Protection Officer Years 7 & 10)
Year Teams
Mr Roylance (AAVP Behaviour and Attendance 7 & 10)
Miss McDonough (AAVP Behaviour and Attendance 8 & 9)
Mr Smith (Head of Year 7)
Mr Wilson (Head of Year 8)
Mr Howarth (Head of Year 9 & 10)
Attendance Team
Miss Halliday (Attendance Officer)
Miss Parker (Attendance Officer)
People to talk to outside the academy
You might find you need to speak to someone at evenings, weekends and during holidays. We recommend the organisations below to our students.
Kooth |
A free, anonymous, confidential website where young people can go for online counselling support.
Childline | 0800 1111 |
A free 24 hour service by phone and online. Their website has some great information about a range of problems.
Samaritans | 116 123 |
Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.
Young Minds |
A website with lots of information about mental health and the services that are available from the NHS.
Doing little things to look after your wellbeing can be really important, for example:
- getting enough sleep
- eating something you really like and even making something for yourself
- doing something you find relaxing, like listening to music or watching your favourite film
- doing something you enjoy, like a favourite hobby or spending time with people you love
- spending time in nature, like going for a walk or visiting a local park
- getting active by going for a run, bike ride or playing a sport you enjoy.