Special Education Needs (SEND)
We are committed to enabling all our learners to achieve their academic and personal potential.
Our SEND department works alongside parents and carers to empower our SEND learners to aim high and achieve their dreams.
Special Education Needs Support
At Belle Vue, inclusion is an integral part of our vision for the future of education. We aim to develop our provision to ensure that it puts the aspirations of our SEND learners at the forefront.
In order to contact our SEND provision, please contact the SENDCo Ms Clarke, Amy.Clarke@coopacademies.co.uk
Co-Production is a core value here at Co-op Academy Belle Vue and we value the opinion and feedback from our community. In order to help our Parents/Carers find the answers they may want, we have put together a list of FAQs on this page.
How are children with SEND identified at Belle Vue?
Learners will be identified upon transition through information gathered from parents/carers and primary schools.
Throughout pupils time at Co-op Academy Belle Vue, we will monitor their social and academic progress through testing, teacher observations and parental concerns. If any additional needs are suspected or identified, appropriate provisions and/or referrals will be put into place to ensure the correct support is put in place at the right time.
What provisions are in place at Co-op Academy Belle Vue?
At Co-op academy Belle Vue, we are developing our provision in line with the needs of our cohort. We believe in developing a flexible, evidence led program of interventions that changes and expands with the needs of the children it is focused on supporting.
We will ensure that we have a variety of interventions that focus on developing core skills within the four broad areas of need. We also will utilise external specialised services to help us identify the particular interventions that each learner needs.
How will teachers know the needs of my child?
Every teacher with Co-op Academy Belle Vue is a teacher of SEND and all are aware that they are accountable, alongside the SENDCo, for the attainment and progress of our most vulnerable learners.
Information identifying the SEND needs of each child is available to each teacher. Specific information to each learner is available on pupil passports which are shared directly with the classroom staff through our Class Charts program.
SEND training is a core part of our CPD offer which is mandatory for all staff to attend.
Will my child be able to take place in all the extra-curricular activities available at Co-op Academy Belle Vue?
All learners are able to attend the extra-curricular sessions available at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. It is important to us that all children feel part of our school community and are able to experience all the opportunities afforded to us by our community links.
What happens if I have concerns about the provision for my child?
In the first instance, please contact the SENDCo Ms Clarke, Amy.Clarke@coopacademies.co.uk
If you are still not satisfied, our Head of School Scott Fletcher can be contacted on bellevue@coopacademies.co.uk
Useful Links
Click to visit Manchester’s Local Offer
Click to visit Information, advice and Support Manchester