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Pastoral Support

Every child at Co-op Academy Belle Vue will be well-known and well-supported.

For our students to be academically and personally successful, they need a student support system that provides a high level of challenge and a high level of support.

Small class sizes and a high ratio of pastoral staff to students, means every student gets the support they need to reach their academic and personal goals.

Our Heads of Year team will oversee the academic performance, behaviour, attendance, rewards, safeguarding and well-being of the students in the year group.

We pride ourselves on the excellent care we provide to our students, including those with special educational needs. We have two specialist academies in West Yorkshire, and share the expertise of these settings across all of our academies.

Every student in the academy will be challenged to be their best self, whilst being supported to overcome the specific barriers that they face.

From the moment that a child is offered a place at Co-op Academy Belle Vue, they become part of the family. Our student support starts with a comprehensive transition programme (Basecamp) designed to stop those ‘first day nerves’ from taking root. During the transition program, each student will get the chance to meet their pastoral leader and talk about their preparations for secondary school.

If you have any questions about our pastoral support, special needs provision or would like to arrange a time to discuss the needs of specific child, please contact

More information on our Special Educational Needs provision.