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British Values

The Department for Education has published guidance to schools on promoting British values as part of SMSC to prepare young people for life in modern Britain. At Co-op Academy Belle Vue we take this responsibility very seriously, and we actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

These values are core concepts for us at Co-op Academy Belle vue and act as a framework to protect our community from bullying, intimidation and discrimination. These are explicitly taught in CARE Curriculum, Humanities subjects and CARE assemblies in particular, providing students with the knowledge they need to deepen their understanding.

We also make great efforts to ensure our children are exposed to a wide range of experiences beyond their own community. We do this through a comprehensive offer for wider opportunities, including our electives programme, external speakers and visits both local and further afield. This enables children to embrace differences and celebrate commonality between peoples alongside developing a pride in Britishness and a sense of belonging to our nation. 

Students have a fluent response regarding British Values and Protected Characteristics - External Evaluation 2024


This reflects our CARE principle of Community by promoting the active involvement of everyone in decision-making for the benefit of the entire community.

At Co-op Academy Belle Vue everyone has a voice and everyone’s voice is heard. We conduct regular ‘Big Voice’ surveys for staff and students. The feedback from these surveys is acted upon and communicated to the whole community. Our student leadership process is democratic with a campaign week followed by a head student election with every member of the school having one vote. Our student leaders run a variety of committees across the academy focussed on service and the continuous improvement of our academy. Our Community Conversations during lunchtime ensure all students' opinions are heard as we discuss a variety of trending and thoughtful topics as a community. Recent conversation topics include: ‘Should some breeds of dog be banned?’ ‘Are young people comfortable calling out misogynistic behaviour?’ and ‘Should people be able to vote in elections at age 16?’

Democracy is also promoted in curriculum areas. For example, in: 

  • CARE Curriculum: Students learn about their role as citizens within the democratic political system of the UK. 

  • History: Students learn about the differences between democracy and dictatorships. 

  • PE: Students develop teamwork skills and leadership skills in team invasion sports.


The Rule of Law

This reflects our CARE principle of Responsibility by emphasising the importance of systems, structures and routines that ensure safety, security and accountability for all.

At Co-op Academy Belle Vue we believe that structure liberates. Our academy is designed around order, safety and security for all students. Our 7 simple school rules promote the wellbeing of the individual as part of the whole community. Behaviour in classrooms and on corridors is focussed on maximising learning and unlocking potential. Our rules are deliberately simple, clear and are over communicated with the whole community. We believe in recognising and celebrating achievement. We have a popular rewards system of CARE cards and golden tickets and hold weekly Community Achievement assemblies to celebrate success. Responsibility is one of our CARE principles, and we teach students to be responsible for their actions and the impact they have on themselves and others. 

The Rule of Law is also promoted in curriculum areas. For example, in: 

  • Religious Studies: Students look at observance of religious law and the parallels to law in general. 

  • Computing: Students learn about laws relating to online privacy and security.

  • Science: Students learn about the ethical and legal implications of scientific experimentation. 

Individual Liberty

This reflects our CARE principle of Endeavour by encouraging individuals to freely pursue personal growth and expression while contributing positively to the community.

Our academy mission is to unlock potential through expert knowledge and character. Our aim is to provide our students with the powerful knowledge they need to make well-informed decisions that will lead them to be healthy, contributing, successful members of society. We regularly create opportunities for our students to express and explore their individual identity. Our electives programme provides students an opportunity to deepen or explore unique interests within the academy day as an entitlement. 

Individual Liberty is also promoted in curriculum areas. For example, in:

  • English: Students are given the skills, knowledge and tools to identify, question and challenge the gaps in the canons.

  • History: Students learn about slavery and the removal of individual liberty based on race.

  • Religion: Students learn about religious persecution and the value of the freedom to follow your religion. 

Mutual Respect

This reflects our CARE principle of Respect by emphasising the importance of treating everyone with consideration and kindness.

Respect is lived out at Co-op Academy Belle Vue as one of our CARE principles, guiding our daily actions. At our academy we use STEPS as a way of communicating with mutual respect: 

  • Sir/Miss/Dr every time, this should end a sentence.

  • Thank you, every time someone is doing something for us. 

  • Excuse me, every time you need to enquire or get attention. 

  • Please, every time you request something 

  • Sorry, every time we make a mistake. 

Mutual Respect is also promoted in curriculum areas. For example, in:

  • Art: Students show respect for each other's artistic vision and creations. 

  • CARE Curriculum: Students share and respect each other's ambitions in the form of ambition statements.

  • History: Students demonstrate respect during community conversation discussions by tracking the speaker.

Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

This reflects our CARE principle of Community by acknowledging and respecting the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of individuals.

At Co-op Academy Belle Vue we communicate that we are all different but equal. We have over 50 spoken languages, a variety of cultural backgrounds and many different observed religions. We are very proud of our diversity and take every opportunity to celebrate and promote it. Our diversity is what makes us special. Students can proudly talk about their own beliefs as well as the faiths and beliefs of others. We observe our variety of cultures through culture days as well as observance of various religious celebrations. All members of the community show tolerance and appreciation of others. 

Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs is also promoted in curriculum areas. For example, in:

  • Religious Studies: Students learn about the origins and development of many world religions as well as non-belief. 

  • English: Students consider the discrimination in Shakespeare and the concept that just because it was more common in the past does not mean it was ever right. 

  • Art: Students learn about inspiring figures from a variety of cultures and religious backgrounds


 Co-op Academy Belle Vue currently holds the Gold Award for The National SMSC Quality Mark.

SMSC Quality Mark - GOLD! | CHS South