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Positive Behaviour Policy

                        Positive Behaviour Policy

Policy details

Date created - 28th June 2023

Date most recently reviewed by governors  - July 2023

Date of Review: July 2024

Responsibility for review: Sarah Hibbert [Belle Vue]

Policy Statement and Purpose

Our key purpose is to ensure the safety, well-being and success of all our students, however poor behaviour has a negative impact on the ability of our students and staff to achieve this. Therefore our Behaviour for Learning Policy aims to eradicate poor behaviour to allow for staff and students to focus on what matters most - learning.

We are a fully inclusive school, where all students regardless of any barriers to learning, are valued as equal individuals. Our staff provide regular and consistent opportunities for praise and rewards. They are responsive to the individual circumstances of all students to ensure a fair and equitable experience for everyone.

The school operates on the basis of the ‘common good’ and expects our students to do the same. We take a firm but fair approach to behaviour management, ensuring the poor behaviour of a very small number of students should not override the achievement of a great many.

At Co-op Academy Belle Vue we believe that our success is achieved as a direct result of high standards and expectations. To facilitate high quality Teaching and Learning in a calm purposeful learning environment, we believe that acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life, both within and outside the building.

Our policy enables our staff, students and our families to know and understand what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in our school. This in turn, provides a shared clarity around behaviours and their consequences and the need to find time for endless discussions about behaviour is therefore removed - freeing time up to focus on our classroom practice.

This policy is based on statutory guidance from the Department for Education:

Relationship to Other Policies

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies (available on the Co-op Academy Trust website and the Co-op Academy Belle Vue website):

Anti Bullying

Equality Statement and Objectives

Health and Safety

Positive Handling

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Special Educational Needs

Mental Health and Well-Being


This policy is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:

Behaviour in Schools - Advice for Headteachers and School Staff

School suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Education Act (2002), as amended by Education Act (2011)

Education and Inspections Act (2006)

School Discipline [Pupil Exclusions and Reviews] – England – Regulations (2012)

Equality Act (2010, revised 2018)

Rules and Ways of Being

Co-op Academy  Belle Vue is underpinned by the values of the Co-op and all within the academy aspire to the Co-op Ways of Being: Succeed Together, Do What Matters Most, Be Yourself Always and Show You Care.

In order to achieve this we have developed a set of CARE principles which provide a ‘road-map’ on how we behave.  They are; Community, Cooperation, Ambition, Achievement, Respect, Responsibility, Engagement, and Endeavour.

Whether in a lesson, out and about in our local community or during social time or lesson changeover, all students at Co-op Academy Belle Vue are expected to demonstrate our CARE principles at all times by acting in a CARE-ing manner.

To provide clarity to staff, students and parents we have 7 basic school rules that we expect students to follow at all times.

  1. Treat all others with CARE
  2. Have the full essential items kit
  3. Wear the full and correct uniform
  4. No mobile phones to be seen or heard whilst on school premises
  5. Be punctual to school and lessons
  6. No eating/ drinking in the classrooms or on the corridors
  7. Walk through the school building in single file, on the left and in silence

Rights and Responsibilities

Our behaviour policy will work best when it is supported by parents, carers and guardians. In order to create a positive and productive learning environment, we expect all students to follow the behaviour policy. Similarly, we expect parents/carers to support the school’s implementation of the policy. We are extremely aware of the need for reasonable adjustments and individual circumstances and therefore it is essential that Home and School operate as a team. If a parent/carer feels we have acted unfairly, we will be happy to discuss this with them privately in a professional and cooperative environment.

The governing board | The governing board is responsible for monitoring this behaviour policy’s effectiveness and holding the headteacher to account for its implementation.

The Head of Academy | The Head of Academy is responsible for reviewing and approving this behaviour policy.

Staff | Staff are responsible for:  

  • Implementing the behaviour policy
  • Modelling positive behaviour  
  • Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs
  • Recording behaviour incidents

Families | Families are expected to:  

  • Support their child in adhering to the student code of conduct  
  • Inform school of changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour  
  • Discuss any behavioural concerns with the tutor promptly

Students I Students are expected to adhere to this policy

Developing Positive Behaviour

Students and Staff will be inducted in the standards and routines of the school shortly after joining the academy, and often on their first day in the academy. For members of staff this will be done during directed CPD training time, for our students this will be done through assemblies and sessions with their form tutor.

Standards and Routines will be revisited throughout the year, with regular reminders on the expectations of how staff and students should conduct themselves. Through these sessions staff and students will become confident in how they can positively contribute to a safe and effective learning environment that everyone can flourish in.


At the heart of Co-op Belle Vue’s ethos is celebration. As such, we not only recognise but promote good behaviour as we believe this is the foundation for success. We may do this through a combination of the following;

  • CARE points
  • CARE Cards
  • Golden Tickets
  • Postcards home
  • Phone calls to parents
  • Weekly Celebration during assemblies
  • Half termly Celebration assemblies
  • End of year/term school ‘rewards’ trips

Rewards Trips

If there are a significant number of well-behaved students showing an interest in going on a ‘rewards’ trip’, school will endeavour to facilitate this. Eligibility for the rewards trips will be based on attendance, punctuality, behaviour and effort and engagement reports from class teachers.

Classroom Strategies and Expectations

In the classroom pupils are expected to treat everyone with CARE. To support pupils to do this the following strategies are in place

  1. A learning behaviours wheel will demonstrate to all students the learning expectations of the classroom; independent silent study, respectful whole class listening, quiet partner work, quiet group work
  2. Teachers will use non-invasive methods to correct poor behaviours before directly speaking to individuals
  3. A verbal warning will be given to pupils before any sanction is given
  4. Verbal warnings will be made explicit through the singing of a standards card
  5. Students who persistently* disrupt the learning environment will be removed from the lesson

* students who create a serious risk to the learning or safety of other students or themselves will be removed from the classroom immediately

Expectations Around the Academy

Essential Items:

In order for students to attend school each day ready for learning, they must bring with them their ‘essential kit’ as detailed below. This is an expectation of every item, every lesson, every day. Failure to come to school with a full basic kit will result in behaviour points and sanctions. Most basic kit items are ‘sold’ at school for students to ‘buy’ using their rewards points via Class Charts.

  • Chromebook
  • Pencil case
  • Black pen
  • Green pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Reading Book  
  • Knowledge Expert Book
  • Community Ambition Book

School Uniform

We place great emphasis on the appearance of our students and uniform is an integral part of the custom and character of the school. Our expectation is that students not only wear school uniform but look smart when they are doing so.

Students are expected to wear full school uniform at all times and ensure they adhere to uniform guidelines. Refusal to follow school uniform rules may result in the student being placed in our Reset Room. Students who repeatedly fail to meet the school’s uniform expectations are at risk of suspension.

It is compulsory that only those items stipulated within the official school uniform are permissible to be worn by our students. The only exception to this is if a student wishes to wear something of religious or cultural importance. In this instance the matter should be discussed with their Head of Year who will make a discretionary decision as to whether the item is appropriate for school.

  • Any student wishing to wear a head covering for religious reasons may do so. The colour must be black or blue
  • The uniform policy applies to students attending off-site provision (including activities) and out of hours’ activities unless parents/carers are advised otherwise.
  • Outdoor coats MUST be removed once inside the school building. Sports ‘hoodies’, ‘zippies’ or similar items are not considered to be an outdoor coat or an item of the school uniform and therefore must be removed before entering the school site.
  • Students are not permitted to attend school with any form of pattern shaved into their hair or eyebrows. Extreme haircuts and unnatural colourings to their hair are also not permitted.
  • Students with make-up/Jewellery/ fake tan etc will be asked to remove it; form tutors will contact home
  • School pinafores must finish below the knee.
  • Students are permitted to wear a watch but other jewellery items are NOT permitted at school.
  • All shoes must be black in colour and a ‘proper’ shoe and not a trainer. Sport logos are not permitted on the exterior of the shoe. See appendix 2 for acceptable footwear.
  • Trainers are not allowed to be worn whilst on school site, other than when playing sports at break or lunch time. They must never be worn during lesson time except in PE Practical sessions.

Transitions around School

We believe that silent corridors are the most effective way to ensure our students are happy and safe when in school. They are an important part of our ambition for our students to get the best possible outcomes as they ensure a minimum amount of learning time is lost through students travelling between lessons and around the school. We therefore expect our students to be silent when travelling around our school building and students who fail to meet this expectation will be sanctioned with a detention.  

Mobile Phones, Smart Devices and Headphones

Mobile Phones, Smart Devices (including watches) and headphones are not allowed to be seen on the school site.

We understand many parents/carers wish for their child to have a mobile phone on the way to and from school for their personal safety. If this is the case the phone should be kept safe in the bottom of their bags so they do not cause any disruption to the Academy day.

Mobile Phones, Smart Devices (including tablets and watches) are not allowed to be seen on the school site. If a student wishes to bring a phone to school, the phone should be kept switched off and stored in the bottom of their bags so they do not cause any disruption to the Academy day. If mobile phones or smart devices are seen or heard by a member of staff then they will be confiscated with immediate effect and the student issued a Reset Room sanction. Devices will only be returned to an adult at the school reception. If a student refuses to hand over the item they may receive a suspension.

Mobile phones that are confiscated will be placed in the safe at school reception and can be collected by an adult at any time between 8.30am and 4.30 pm. Mobile phones will not be returned to students until the Head of Academy or Vice Principal has deemed it is safe to do so. The school does not take responsibility for any lost/stolen ‘banned’ items brought into school.


Punctuality is essential for the success of all our students and therefore if a student arrives late to school (after 8.30am) they will be issued with a sanction.  

Inappropriate items brought into school  

Co-op Academy Belle Vue has a zero tolerance policy towards any weapons being brought onto or into our school site. This for example, could be any type of knife. Any child who is suspected of having brought a dangerous item onto school premises will have their belongings searched. Students who have brought any type of weapon onto school premises are likely to be permanently excluded.


Drugs, cigarettes, vapes and any associated paraphernalia or dangerous items are banned from school. If a student endangers the welfare of our students and staff by bringing drugs or dangerous items onto our school site or if a student is found to be supplying or distributing illegal substances and/or any items deemed to be drug paraphernalia, they are likely to be permanently excluded and the police informed. students are reminded about this rule throughout the year. Any concerns that staff and/ or parents have regarding students using drugs outside of school will be referred to the Safeguarding team.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. This includes all ‘Non – contact’ and ‘Contact’ forms as outlined by the ‘Review of Sexual abuse’ Ofsted June 2021.  Allegations of sexual harassment will be fully investigated by either HOH/SLT and where necessary seriously sanctioned. This may result in a fixed term exclusion and possibly a permanent exclusion.


Homophobia is a hate crime and will not be tolerated at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. Allegations of homophobia will fully be investigated by either HOY/ SLT. If it is decided that a student has made homophobic comments or who is found to be promoting any type of homophobic bullying, they will be seriously sanctioned. This may result in a fixed term exclusion and possibly a permanent exclusion.


Racism is a hate crime and will not be tolerated at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. Allegations of racism will fully be investigated by either HOY/ SLT. If it is decided that a student has made racist comments or who is found to be promoting any type of racist bullying, they will be seriously sanctioned. This may result in a fixed term exclusion and possibly a permanent exclusion.

Malicious Allegations  

Any allegation of wrongdoing will be investigated using the ‘Managing Allegations of Staff’ policy. If a student is found to have made a malicious allegation against a member of staff, then the parents/carers of the students will be invited to a meeting to discuss the details leading up to it and a sanction may be issued.

Isolation in the Reset Room  or suspensions will be used as sanctions for malicious allegations, however where staff agree, restorative meetings will take place. Decisions will be made by the Headteacher once they have considered issues of severity, previous similar behaviours and safeguarding.

Drinks Policy

Due to the high level of sugar contained in fizzy drinks/energy drinks and the impact this can have on a student’s behaviour, fizzy drinks and energy drinks are not allowed on the school site. If found, they will be confiscated. Co-op Academy Belle Vue encourages a water only approach to drinks and water fountains are placed around the site to support this. students must bring a suitable bottle to use these fountains as cups and bottles are NOT provided for them.


Selling items to other students is illegal. If students are found to be doing this, the items will be confiscated and the profits given to a selected charity.

Expectations outside of School

At all times when students are wearing our school uniform (or can be identified as a Co-op Academy Belle Vue student) they are ambassadors for the school and must act accordingly; this means they must act in a CARE-ing manner.

Misuse of Social Media

students are regularly informed and reminded about the dangers of social media and their responsibilities in using and accessing it. Therefore, it is assumed that any student who is responsible for any type of misuse of social media is fully aware of their actions, even though they may have carried it out when at home or at the weekend. students will therefore be sanctioned accordingly if ‘Restorative Justice’ is not appropriate. Misuse of social media includes but is not restricted to the following;

  • Cyberbullying
  • Sexting
  • Verbal abuse of students and/ or staff
  • ‘Liking’ any image or post which causes upset
  • Posting any image which causes upset
  • Posting any image without a person’s knowledge and/ or consent
  • Posting images and comments which demonstrate illegal and/ or inappropriate activity

Co-op Academy Belle Vue has the legal power to sanction students whose behaviour outside the school premises disrupts the learning environment in school or brings the school into disrepute. For example, using Social Media at home, may cause upset to someone in school during the day.


Although Co-op Academy Belle Vue does everything they can to mitigate the need for consequences and sanctions, we know that students do make mistakes. If a student’s conduct falls below the expectations laid out in this policy (including expectations inside and outside school) the following consequences would apply:

The school will work tirelessly to ensure every possible option of support is offered and provided to our students who are struggling to be the best version of themselves. However, we will take difficult decisions where the common good of our students is compromised. There are a variety of sanctions which may be used for any student depending on the severity of the situation. These sanctions are listed below and a guide to when they may be applied can be found in Appendix 1.

Behaviour points: These are issued via the Class charts system and are monitored by Form Tutors, Heads of Year and Heads of department. Some behaviour points are also issued with a sanction depending on the specific behaviour.

Detentions: These are issued for breaktimes, lunchtimes or after school depending on the teacher’s availability and the seriousness of the incident. These will run every day, unless notified in advance. It is school policy to try to give fair notice for after school detentions however, the headteacher reserves the right to issue no notice detentions in specific cases.  

NB. Teachers will not adjust detention times to suit the student’s ‘after school’ availability. students must rearrange their after school commitments to ensure they can serve any detentions incurred.

The Reset Room: This is an internal exclusion unit where a student will work in silence and not be allowed out during break and lunchtime. Note that students may be placed in the Reset Room whilst an incident is being ‘investigated’ or following a suspension as part of their reintegration back to school.

Suspensions (Previously ‘Fixed Term Exclusions’): The Department for Education states that ‘Good discipline in schools is essential to ensure that all students can benefit from the opportunities provided by education. The Government supports head teachers in using exclusion as a sanction where it is warranted’ (2017). More information about when a suspension may be issued can be found below.

Further Intervention and Support

We recognise that some students may require a higher level of support to enable them to ‘get it right’.  These students will have been given the same chances and support as other students but continue to disrupt the school community either in or outside of lessons. Students who fit into this category may be directed to one or more of the following;

Behaviour and intervention reports: Due to the many individual circumstances that can affect a student's behaviour, the decision to place a student on a behaviour and intervention report, remains at the discretion of the student’s Head of Year, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. However as a guide, students who accrue more than 20 behaviour points in a 3 week period are highly likely to be placed on a Stage 1 report. Students returning from a suspension are also highly likely to be placed on a Stage 2 report for a two week monitoring period.

Reports last two weeks in the first instance but may be extended by one week if the Student’s Head of Year feels it is appropriate. Students who fail to meet the targets agreed at the start of the reporting process, will be escalated to the next stage of report.

‘Stage’ reports are logged via Class Charts whereas others are a physical report card. A list of our reports can be found below;

  • Stage 1 Report to Form tutor
  • Stage 2 Report to Head of Year
  • Stage 3 Report to a member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • Positive Report Card – usually triggered to support a student in shifting their focus from defiance and poor behaviour to celebration and success as appropriate
  • Effort and Engagement Report Card – a short term report card issued to give students with a low effort and engagement score
  • Subject Reports – led by Heads of Departments for behaviours in a specific subject area

We expect students who have successfully passed a behaviour report to continue to meet our school rules for a sustained and continuous period and they will therefore be monitored closely by their Head of Year/SLT.

Respite placements: These involve a student continuing their education in a supervised setting at an offsite location for up to a maximum of 5 days. Students will be placed at other schools in the local authority. Parents will be informed and a reintegration meeting will take place on the day of the students return to their mainstream provision.

Behaviour Panels: These are formal meetings held with the School’s Head of Academy, Executive Headteacher or Governors on specific issues in school. If a student is persistently failing to meet our School rules and/or has acted in a way that causes concern, they may be requested to attend a panel to discuss the behaviour or incident. Parents will be invited to these panel meetings in order to discuss the student’s future at Co-op Academy Belle Vue.

Alternative Provision: Where there is the option to use an alternative provision to further support a student’s welfare and behaviour, then this will be fully explored.  Additionally, the Head of Academy reserves the right to direct alternative provision as an alternative to a permanent exclusion or by way of respite provision for students who are are risk of permanent exclusions. This is in line with the DfE Statutory guidance for local authorities wich can be found by clicking the link below.

Parental Meetings: Where there is a lack of improvement in a student’s behaviour, parents wil be invited to meet with their Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. This wil be an opportunity to explore if there are any barriers to the students being able to meet the school behavioural expectations and whether there is  any further reasonable support that can be made by the school.

Everyone who attends a meeting in school is expected to act in a professional and reasonable manner during meetings. Whilst there may be challenges of decisions made, this must be done in a courteous and respectful way. All parties are expected to act with the best interests of the child. Swearing, intimation, verbal or physical aggression will not be tolerated by Co-op Academy Belle Vue staff. If this occurs the meeting will end immediately and parents/carers must leave the school site without delay. They will be contacted via telephone to discuss a way forward; this may involve another meeting when tempers have calmed or it may involve a ban from the school site for an individual.

The school does not allow parents/carers or third parties to record parental meetings. Anyone secretly filming or recording a meeting will be banned from attending the school with immediate effect.

Supporting Students with SEND

Our inclusive policy ensures all students have the opportunity to learn in a safe environment, rules and strategies are clear to avoid ambiguity.  Students with identified SEN will have reasonable adjustments put in place to be agreed with the parent/carer and student. This may include the following (not an exhaustive list):

  • Time out – there will be a designated area for each ‘group’ where the student can have an agreed amount of minutes as ‘time-out’ if required.
  • Uniform
  • Fidget toys
  • Student passports
  • Teaching assistant support
  • Routines
  • Provision at unstructured times
  • Specific seating position within the classroom.
  • Ensure the students' support plan is part of the established routines in everyone of their lessons.
  • Nudge texts to remind students about expectations of equipment and standards

The school recognises its legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent students with a protected characteristic from being at a disadvantage. Consequently, our approach to challenging behaviour may be differentiated to cater to the needs of the student. The school’s special educational needs co-ordinator will evaluate a student who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether they have any underlying needs that are not currently being met. Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from specialist teachers, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs.

Child on Child Abuse

Co-op Academy Belle Vue is committed to ensuring a climate of safety for all students by challenging inappropriate behaviour between peers. We have a zero tolerance approach of all forms of child on child abuse including (but not limited to):

  • Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)
  • Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
  • Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
  • Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
  • Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nude images and / or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
  • Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
  • Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element

Where there are any reports of child on child abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment,  we will follow the guidance set out in Part 5 of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022. The Academy maintains a zero tolerance approach to all forms of child on child abuse and always maintain the attitude ‘it could happen here’. We will always take any reports or disclosures seriously. Any sanctions for child on child abuse will be proportionate, considered, supportive and will be decided on a case by case basis. Sanctions could include managing the incident internally, referring to early help, referring to children’s social care or reporting the incident to the police. Serious incidents could result in permanent exclusion. The Academy will not tolerate behaviour of this nature, whilst also not demonising anyone – we will support and listen to all of the pupils involved. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be offered support so that they can change their behaviour.

For more information on how we deal with child on child abuse please see:

Co-op Belle Vue Anti Bullying Policy.

Co-op Belle Vue Child Protection Policy.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022


Suspensions will be issued in response to a serious breach or persistent breaches of the school's behaviour policy. These are issued at the Headteacher’s discretion based on the behaviours exhibited and the evidence available.

Once issued, the parent/carer is informed via phone call as well as a letter being sent home with details of the suspension. The student will not be allowed to attend school for a period of between 1 - 5 days.

The student and parent / carer will have a reintegration meeting with a senior member of staff / Head of Year  to discuss the reasons for the suspension and the actions needed to prevent repeated future behaviours upon their return. This may be a combination of agreements between the school, student and/or parent/carers. It may involve offers of support from the school. If a parent cannot attend this meeting, the student may be required to work in the Reset Room until a meeting can take place.

Examples of agreements made include;

  • Class changes
  • Parental/Carer pick up and drop off
  • Avoiding certain areas of school during social time
  • Avoiding certain students during social time
  • School based support programmes as available and appropriate
  • External avenues of support
  • Students returning to school following a suspension for defiance will be placed into the reset room for at least one day to allow a phased return to mainstream lessons.

As part of the Co-op Trust we follow the suspension policy which can be found here:

For further information on consequences for different behaviours see appendix i

Permanent Exclusion

Permanent exclusion is a last resort. A Headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a student for persistent disruptive behaviour, where despite the school's best effort, a student insists on breaching the school's behaviour policy. A permanent exclusion could also be the consequence for a first 'one off' offence, based on the severity of the behaviour. One off offences may include:

  • Serious actual or threatened violence against another student or member of staff (including online threats or abuse)
  • Assault on a student or member of staff
  • Sexual abuse or assault
  • Supplying or using an illegal drug
  • Carrying an offensive weapon (including any article made or adapted for causing injury)
  • Serious one off incidents including ‘Hate’ incidents / crime or bullying

 Further information on permanent exclusions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy.

Searching, Screening and Confiscation

The Headteacher has statutory power to search pupils and possessions if there are reasonable grounds to suspect pupils have prohibited items. Searches may also be carried out by members of staff and contractors authorised by the Headteacher. All authorised staff will be up to date with screening and searching procedures as laid out in government guidance .  When conducting searches, the Headteacher will consider the age and ability of students and make reasonable adjustments where necessary. Where possible searches will be conducted with the student present and away from other students  (unless there is reason to believe that significant harm could happen if we wait).

The school can search a student for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a student possesses any of the following items:

  • knives and weapons
  • alcohol
  • illegal drugs
  • stolen items
  • tobacco and cigarette papers
  • cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes
  • lighters and matches
  • fireworks
  • pornographic images
  • any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence , cause personal injury or damage to property

Wherever possible, searches will be carried out by two authorised members of staff, or contractor  by staff members of the same gender as the student, and with the student present as a witness. Searches that require physical contact or use of force will always be a last resort. Where the risk is considered significant, they will be conducted by a trained member of staff of the same sex as the pupil, or, if possible, and preferably, by a family member. If this is not possible (due to urgency of the situation) searches will be conducted by a permanent member of staff, with the appropriate training, of the same sex and an appropriate adult (of the same sex). In all cases, only outer clothing will be searched (pockets, bags, shoes etc). No member of the school community will conduct a search that reveals a student’s underwear or skin (beyond shirt sleeves).

Staff will confiscate and retain a student’s property if it is a banned item or any item being used to cause harm to self or others, damage to property, or disruption to the maintaining of a purposeful learning environment. For any confiscated item that is not deemed to be dangerous or potentially / known to be illegal, the confiscating staff member is required to make a proportionate and fair decision about what happens next with the item, for example:

  • returning the item to the student at the end of that lesson
  • returning the item to the student at the end of that day
  • escalating the issue to a member of the year team / senior leadership team
  • discussing with the student’s family about how best to return or dispose of the item

Retention of, damage to or disposal of a student’s personal property should not be used as a sanction and confiscation, including how the confiscation is followed up, should only be used to ensure the maintenance of a safe and purposeful learning environment.


  • If a student refuses to be screened, the school may refuse to have the student on the premises. Health and safety legislation requires a school to be managed in a way which does not expose students or staff to risks to their health and safety and this would include making reasonable rules as a condition of admittance.
  • If a student fails to comply, and the school does not let the student in, the student’s absence will be treated as unauthorised. The student should comply with the rules and attend.

Power to use reasonable force  

Members of staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent students committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. Headteachers and authorised school staff may also use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search without consent for knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images or articles that have been or could be used to commit an offence or cause harm.

The academy follows all DfE guidance for searching, screening and confiscation which can be found here:

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Please also see the Co-op Academies Trust Positive Handling Policy for the process of searching and screening and use of reasonable force (available on the school website).

CCTV and Requests for Documentation

The school will not release copies of CCTV footage as this would contravene child protection and safeguarding guidelines. Documents containing information which names other students will always be anonymised to protect individuals. Any requested documents and files will be sent to Manchester City Council Democratic Services for GDPR approval before being released.

Appendix 1: Sanction Table

The table shows possible sanctions for different behaviours. The list of behaviours is not exhaustive but merely aims to provide examples of some of the behaviours that may occur in school. Where student behaviour is persistent, we will work with families and the student to put support in place to create individualised strategies to help the student get back on track.

Appendix 2: Links Legislation, Statutory Requirements and Links to  other School Policies

Statutory Requirements 

Behaviour and discipline in schools 

Searching, screening and confiscation 

Equality Act 2010 and schools 

The use of reasonable force in schools 

Supporting student at school with medical conditions 

Links with Trust Policies

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy

Co-op Academies Trust - Behaviour Policy  July 2023